Gregynog Young Musician - Cerddor Ifanc Gregynog

Rules and Conditions

1. Gregynog Young Musicians Committee is the organiser of the competition.

2. Your date of birth should be such that on the day of the competition you are 18 (eighteen) years or younger. There is no lower age limit.

3. Competitors may play any orchestral instrument including piano, harp, classical guitar, recorder, saxophone, brass band instrument, or percussion.

4. Completed entry forms should be returned to
Dr Gareth Jenkins, Mount Edgebold, Edgebold, Shrewsbury Shropshire, SY5 8NU
together with a photocopy of their Grade 8 certificate no later than SUNDAY October 20th 2024.
If a candidate does not possess a Grade 8 certificate, his or her music teacher must endorse the candidate’s suitability for this competition i.e. Grade 8 equivalence.
A recent sound or video recording of TWO contrasting compositions (no more than 10 minutes duration) must be sent via the Entry Form page in the stated formats. (Aiff, WAV, MP3 or Mobile phone recording)
An entry fee of £30 must be enclosed (Cheque made payable to “Friends of Gregynog Young Musicians”
OR bank payment:
Sort code 40-34-33
Account No. 91514946
please use competitor’s name as reference.

5. Competitors are permitted to use scores where necessary.

6. Competitors may utilise their own accompanist. For those wishing to avail themselves of the official accompanists, there will be a £50 fee. Those using this service must be prepared to:
(a) send copies of their proposed music to their allocated official accompanist 10 days before the competition to ensure adequate familiarisation.
(b) make themselves available for suitable rehearsal time prior to their semi-final performance.

7. To be eligible for the “Gregynog Young Accompanist’s Prize” candidates must be 23 years of age or under on 16th November, 2024.

8. Candidates must present original scores, for each piece of music, for the adjudicators on the day of the competition.

9. Applicants may enter one instrument only. If the instrument has more than one type e.g. tenor or soprano saxophone then both instruments may be utilised.

10. The organisers reserve the right to:
(a) record, video or photograph any part of the competition.
(b) broadcast any part of the competition.
No broadcast fees will be paid by the organisers to the individuals for any performance relating to the competition.

11. In the SEMI-FINAL round, competitors are expected to play a programme that does not exceed 12 minutes including breaks. Up to five successful competitors will be chosen to participate in the FINAL.

12. The judges can, at their discretion, reserve the right not to award a category winner’s prize in the event that, on the day of the competition, no-one meets the required standard. In this instance, the judges may place more than one candidate from any category through to the final. The category winners will be announced at the conclusion of the FINAL. All participants in the Final will receive £500.00. The overall winner of the Gregynog Young Musician competition will receive a further £2,500.

13. All semi-finalists will be expected to be present at the announcement of the judges’ decision as to who will perform in the Final. This will facilitate the organisers to allocate practice locations for each finalist.

14. Entry will be conditional on acceptance of the rules and conditions detailed in this entry form. In the event of any dispute arising out of the rules and conditions, the decision of the organisers will be final.

15. The overall winner will be excluded from entering this competition again.

16. The decision of the judges will be final.